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She held it there, letting me feel the tight heat of her throat. He could feel her shifting around in an unusual way as she teased him with her mouth, usually she was solely concentrating on his dick when me in sex car gave head, but she seemed to be preoccupied. She stood over him facing his feet then kneeled over him which placed her clit and lips right over his mouth and her discreet sex in ma firm ass cheeks over the rest of his face. She dropped into a crouch at once and began to dry him with her cloth. Evidently the girls I had fucked had talked to Kit, the husband, and several days sex with my mother in law stories he showed at the club. Ah, oh god, damn, that feels fucking good I moan as she continues her assault on my cock, up and down, her hands lightly twisting around my rod as she comes up and goes back down. When I began crying out I felt Heather twitching in front of me, her own climax exploding. She came home rather drunk from an evening out with a friend of hers. For a good two minutes I just enjoyed the sight of my man and Vicky in perfect harmony as cock fucked arse. His hand reached around and beneath me to rub my tender clit. His other hand slid forward between her legs, past her asshole, to find her pussy. The sound of clothing rustling and hitting the floor came to her ears as her visitor undressed. Passion burned in Mirandas green eyes as sex buddies in my town nodded her head.